With Mother’s Day fast approaching I wanted to remind you that it’s coming, but also to inspire you by giving you a quick introduction to a friend and customer who is also a special mom.
Meet Sarah!
I’m not sure how long I've known Sarah, but it’s feels like forever in a good way. My sister and I have enjoyed time with her back in her “good old single days” when we would hang out at her place in Chinatown and help her cut out crafts for for her kindergarten class. Fast forward to now where I’ve taken a tiny bit of that role teaching one of her beautiful kids once a week. Hey...come to think of it... I should share the craft projects back at her!

*None of the photos of Sarah & her family are mine. I'm unable to credit the exact University of Chicago photographer
Sarah is married to Roger and they live in the city of Chicago as well, which makes it a super treat when we run into each other at church or plan time to run around town like tourists. For the record, Roger seriously married up. (Roger, I just couldn’t help it.)
Leslie: Sarah you’ve lived a lot of places. Tell us how you ended up in Chicago.
Sarah: I was in a long distance relationship & my boyfriend (at the time) lived here in Chicago. I was living in Hawaii.... Paradise! He kept begging me to move here & after taking a survey trip here in the spring, finding a job & a place to live I decided I would move here in the summer of 2006.
Leslie: How old are your kids?
Sarah: I have 2 children, Tinley is 6 & David is 4.
Leslie: I remember when Tinley was born, how scared I was for you. I know that’s no comparison to how a mom feels. For others out there that may be facing uncertainty in their own life or the lives of those they love, can you tell us a little about those first days. How did you feel and how were you able to make it.
Sarah: Just a little background for those that don't know Tinley..... The day, April 28, 2010, Tinley was born emergency c-section, we were told that she had a rare genetic disorder called Apert syndrome. I will be honest with you on the day that is suppose be a day that brings lots of joy & excitement into your life, it was a very dark & scary day for me. I just remember I wanted to be strong for Tinley, because I had no idea what Apert syndrome was & what Tinley's life or ours was gonna be like from this day forward. I can still remember the first time I finally got to see her & I had a peace, one I can't really explain, but a peace knowing that God was going to take care of her, take care of us & get us through whatever we needed to for Tinley.

Leslie: Sarah started a Facebook page for Tinley and Apert Awareness. Please take a moment to encourage Sarah, Tinley and their family and follow along on their journey..
Leslie: Being a Chicago lover myself, what’s your favorite thing to do in the city with your kids?
Sarah: You know us we go everywhere & all over the place, but for now I would have to say we are anxiously anticipating our summer trips to 31st street beach! I lived in the tropics for 7 years & that is the closest I can get to the tropics for now.
Leslie: How can we be better friends to mom’s with special needs kids?
Sarah: Wow! What a great question.... Probably my favorite!!! Just be there.... Don't change just keep being friends & always let us know you are there if we need you! Also if you are married with children educate your children about people with differences. Teach them to be kind to everyone. Teach them it's ok to ask questions & learn about people with differences but there are polite ways to ask questions. People being rude to Tinley (because of her physical appearance), in public is some of the hardest things I as a mother of a child with special needs have had to face!
Leslie: Are there challenges in the road ahead that you’d like us to pray for?
Sarah: Pray for the many surgeries that are to come for Tinley and pray for us as we face other obstacles along our journey.
I want to thank Sarah for taking the time to answer a few questions for me. Also to my gracious subscribers, thank you for taking a minute to read along. If you can, please like and follow Tinley’s page. Sarah is a treat to know and a joyous beautiful person that will encourage you when we should be encouraging her.
You have just a short time till mother's day and what greater gift can you give mom than a gift that gives back. Here are a few things similar to what Sarah has purchased over the last few years.